Reveal CSP


Look through the slides from the lesson on Reveal and use this information and your own research and analytical skills to answer the questions below. 


1) Based on your research, what type of people read Reveal? Consider demographics and psychographics.

People of lower class read these sort of magazines because they might have spare change to use.
2) Look at the lesson slides: how does the editor introduce Reveal magazine?

The magazine introduces Reveal as a magazine for people who want to escape their life of doing their jobs and hear all the gossip about celebs.

3) What is the difference between the Reveal and Tatler target audiences?

Reveal is for lower class people whereas Tatler is more for higher class who have time and money to spend.
4) What issues are Reveal readers interested in?

Reveal readers are interested in the latest gossip and what their relationships are like and with who they are with (partner). 

Media language

1) How many of the 12 magazine cover key conventions feature on this edition of Reveal?

Title, Subtitles , Free Offers , beauty tips.
2) What is the font choice used on the cover and what does this choice connote?

They have used Sans-Serif because they are not as perplexed as Tatler.

3) How do the cover lines appeal to the Reveal target audience?

The magazine used the word 'you' meaning audience this connotes that the magazines want to involve everyone reading the magazine.
4) What are the connotations of the Reveal colour scheme on this particular front cover?

They have used more than one picture which shows that they try to squeeze everything into on page whereas Tatler is more niche and has usually only one main picture.

5) How are images used to create interest in the magazine? Find three reasons for your answer. (E.g. mise-en-scene such as props, costume and make-up, body position, facial expression).

The central image is very effective as it is covering most of the magazine. Some magazines that have big titles and the letters are bold it would show maybe how serious the magazine is.  

6) What differences can you find between the use of design and typography between Tatler and Reveal? List at least three and explain the effect on audiences.


1) What different groups of people are represented on the cover? (Look at the image and text/cover lines)

They are upper class people who enjoy life because they have money to spend and they are posh.

2) What type of celebrities are represented on the front cover?

There are celebrities and posh mums.

3) Are there any stereotypes being reinforced or subverted? How? Why?

There might be stereotypes might be that there are only rich/posh
 white mothers.

4) What view of celebrities does Reveal want the reader to have?

That the audience are mostly lower/middle class so the audience feel more upper class because they want to feel that they are special.

5) What would be the preferred and oppositional readings to this cover of Reveal?

The preferred reading would be that these people have nice and normal life like the audience and that the are posh and so are we for reading this.
The oppositional reading would say that this is not nice and that they are not upper class and not posh and have not got a normal life.

Social and cultural context

1) What aspects of British life are reflected in Reveal? How does this compare to Tatler?

2) What do the cover lines in Reveal suggest about the issues and lifestyle of Reveal readers?

3) Find three other front covers for Reveal. What issues or features regularly appear in Reveal? 

4) Do any celebrities appear on more than one front cover of Reveal? Why do you think they are particularly popular with Reveal readers?


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