Blog feedback and learner response

WWW- You have started to use denotation and connotation accurately in your analysis of your own advert, thinking about the wider intended message for the audience but this still needs to be developed in more depth for GCSE level. You have started to analyse the Doctor Who clip well. Fruit bowl is nicely designed.

EBI- There are two major aspects you need to work on to accelerate your progress in Media. Firstly, your written English MUST improve significantly. There are far too many errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar in your work so far, such as in your analysis of the Water Aid advert. It is vital in EVERY piece of writing you produce that capital letters and full stops are used accurately. Secondly, you must add much more depth to your media analysis, for instance when you analyse your own advert: think of setting, props, font and copy.

LR: You must proof read your work carefully and add more analysis to each one of your tasks so far as they all seem a bit rushed- there is no detail in your denotation and connotation of the Water Aid advert or in your LIAR film poster analysis. Then, reflect on your first month of Media. What do you feel is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course? How can you improve the depth and detail of your media analysis?


My strongest  point would be my denotation and Connotation 


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